Looking for the best and the most effective home remedies to cure acne? You have landed at the right place!
Having a spotless, acne-free skin boosts your confidence and results in a personal uplift! But no matter what you do, acne breakouts are unavoidable! They somehow manage to appear on your face before a special event or an important meeting – that too on an unusual spot, like the middle of your forehead or your nose. Relatable enough?
Well, these annoying breakouts may be unavoidable, but we do have some awesome solutions for treating the breakouts and saying goodbye to them in a matter of a day!
There are tons of potent ingredients offered by mother nature that we can try out and experiment with to reduce acne as well as the post-acne marks! Before you invest in an expensive acne-treatment cream or a luxe facial that promises to heal your acne, hear us out! Try out these 9 home remedies to cure acne shared by us below that can give you 100% positive results!
These natural home remedies to cure acne are mostly inspired by Ayurveda – the system of medicine that originated in the Indian subcontinent thousands of year back. They are all-natural and skin friendly! Keep on reading to get to know about these easy and natural acne curing remedies for 2022 that we have thoroughly researched in advance!
Best 9 Home Remedies To Cure Acne 2022 100% Working Solutions For Acne & Pimples]
1. Minced Garlic For Acne

Garlic is an antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic ingredient. The allicin compound present in garlic helps to kill the acne-causing bacteria, making your pimples vanish in a jiffy. If you you want to get rid of acne bumps fast overnight, applying minced garlic to that area is a quick and easy remedy!
Make sure that you don’t leave the garlic on your skin for a long duration because it may end up burning your skin. Use it only as a spot treatment for a few minutes and it will dry out the acne instantly.
This quick hack for acne is useful for: whiteheads
2. Soothing Green Tea Face Mask For Acne

Green tea’s health benefits are known to all. But green tea not only keeps your inner health in check, but it helps to enhance your outer beauty as well. The polyphenols and catechins rich green tea is a simple yet effective natural ingredient to cure acne and a lot of other skin issues such as redness or pigmentation.
Its natural compounds help to control the excess secretion of sebum on the skin, thus reducing the chances of acne caused by clogged pores. The polyphenols present in green tea are known to fight skin inflammations, banishing your acne as well as the skin redness caused by the acne.
As per a research paper submitted by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), polyphenols present in green tea and other teas were found to be useful for the reduction of excess sebum production as well as acne vulgaris!
Here is our favourite green tea face mask DIY recipe for acne that you might want to try –
You will need:
- A green tea bag
- A tablespoon of aloe vera gel
- ½ tablespoon of honey
How to make:
It is super easy! Just pour down the green tea out of one teabag into a bowl and mix it with the other two hydrating ingredients. You will end up with a thick paste that can be used as a two-in-one DIY – a face mask and a scrub! Keep this paste on your skin for about 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
This quick hack for acne is useful for: inflamed acne & sunburns
3. Tea Tree Oil Spot Treatment – Best Home Remedy For Acne Overnight

Tea tree oil is truly a miraculous gem of an ingredient to treat problematic skin types! Extracted from a tall shrub endemic to Australia, this game-changing oil could be the solution to all your acne and pimples related problems! It is also one of the best home remedies for cystic acne.
The skin revitalizing and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil calm down the inflamed acne breakouts and skin redness, leaving you with a clear skin.
Back in 1990, The Medical Journal of Australia did a comparison between the effectiveness of tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide (a chemical used to cure acne) on acne reduction. They found out that tea tree oil is equally as beneficial as benzoyl peroxide on inflamed and non-inflamed acne as well as comedones.
Since tea tree essential oil has a potent and very concentrated formula, you need to mix it with a carrier oil first and then use it on your skin, as a spot treatment or all over your face – the choice is yours!
Some of the carrier oils that you can try out in combination with tea tree oil for acne spot treatment are –
- Coconut Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Rosehip Oil
- Evening Primrose Oil (highly recommended!)
If you are using it as a spot treatment, make sure to apply the tea tree oil + carrier oil mixture with a Q-Tip instead of using your fingers. It is more hygienic that way!
This quick hack for acne is useful for: hormonal acne & oily acne-prone skin
4. Neem Leaves Paste For Acne

Azadirachta indica i.e. neem leaves have always been a part of ancient Indian beautification remedies. Its medicinal uses are still popular in the ayurvedic healing treatments. A lot of people around the world take neem leaf or neem oil tablets as supplements to promote their health and improve their immunity system.
This wonder herb carries antifungal properties for your skin. When used topically, the paste of neem leaves can bring you instant results for your acne – be it normal inflammatory acne or stubborn cystic acne.
For those with problematic oily and acne-prone skin type, I would also suggest using neem infused toner to keep the sebum production under control and the acne-causing bacteria at bay! Try to include this phenomenal Ayurvedic medicinal ingredient in your skin and your diet routine as much as possible to derive maximum positive results.
This quick hack for acne is useful for: all kinds of acne
5. Aloe Vera Gel For Acne

Aloe vera gel is that ingredient which we all take for granted! This lightweight and natural gel has such amazing potent compounds that can heal all kinds of skin, hair or health-related problems! Although there are hundreds of brands that have pure aloe vera gel available in the market, it is recommended that you use fresh aloe vera gel to get the maximum benefits.
If you want to try out a ready to use aloe vera gel which has no nasty chemicals, our suggestion for you would be The Face Shop Aloe Soothing Gel which is available on Amazon India as well as on Amazon.com.
In India, there are tons of other brands as well that offer pure aloe vera gel. However, as I mentioned earlier, using fresh aloe vera gel is the best option.
This quick natural remedy for pimples is useful for: all kinds of acne
Finding these home remedies to cure acne informational? You may also want to read: How To Remove Dark Spots On Legs
6. Witch Hazel For Acne

Most beauty enthusiasts would know that witch hazel makes a great natural toner for the skin as it is revered for minimizing open pores. In older generations, witch hazel was used as a healing agent for wounds and sunburns.
It can work great as an acne healing agent for those with oily skin type as witch hazel is an astringent. Make sure that you choose a witch hazel toner that is alcohol-free!
Especially useful for: oily & acne-prone skin
7. Wild Turmeric For Acne

Wild Turmeric, also known as Kasturi Manjal in India, is a potent variety of turmeric that is used in South Asian countries for various skin and health-related purposes.
Its topical application gives you more benefits than you can count on your fingers! From removing sun tan to making your skin blemish-free, it can act as an all-in-one natural solution for your skin!
To get a clearer, brighter, and a flawless complexion with wild turmeric, you can use its powder in your face masks or as a spot treatment on your acne!
Specially useful for: acne scars, hormonal acne, & tanning
8. Steam Facial For Acne & Blackheads

This increase in blood circulation nourishes your skin cells with nutrients and also help to remove the toxins from them, making your skin’s appearance and texture healthier than ever!
Furthermore, if you use a nano steamer for your face, it will provide additional benefits of hydrating your skin and making it feel supple.
Especially useful for: blackheads & whiteheads
9. Honey and Cinnamon For Acne

The combination of scrumptious, sweet honey and woody cinnamon makes a great spot treatment for stubborn acne. As per a research conducted and published on Medical News Today, cinnamon was found to have antimicrobial and wound healing properties.
The staple kitchen ingredient – honey, on the other hand, is a nutrient rich moisturizing agent that is truly skin-saving for many reasons! While you can use any kind of honey for your face, manuka honey is said to be the best pick among the others as the antibacterial properties are higher in it.
Especially useful for: all kinds of acne
Common Questions Related To Acne Answered:
Question: Why is my pimple not going away?
Answer: 99% of times, your pimples or acne are harmless and they may take up to 4-6 weeks to completely disappear. However, if you have stubborn acne that just won’t go away, it can also be a sign of an underlying health-condition that you might not be aware of!
For women, frequent acne breakouts could be attributed to endocrine-related disorders such as Polycystic Ovary Disease/Syndrome. You can read more about PCOS/PCOD on HealthLine.
Speaking from my (the editor’s) personal experience – I have been getting terrible acne on my face and chin area ever since I hit puberty. When I turned around 17-18, I had a doubt that I might have PCOS (or PCOD!) because I was experiencing multiple symptoms for the same – including cystic acne.
My doubt finally came true in 2019, when I got diagnosed with bilateral PCOS. So for those of you women who are getting severe acne on their face, especially on the chin area (be it cystic acne or normal acne), I suggest getting your hormonal levels checked!
Studies show that 1 in every 10 women in the world is affected by PCOS. It has become a quite common hormonal and lifestyle-related disorder in the past two decades. Your acne might be giving you a sign that you have hormonal imbalance, if not PCOS!
Acne can also indicate gut related problems, including a leaky gut or an unhealthy diet! What you eat influences the appearance of your skin, so if nothing seems to be helping your acne, try having a healthy diet for a while to see if it makes any difference!
Greasy foods and high glycemic foods at all costs. Don’t worry – you can always have cheat meals though!
Another thing I would like to mention is stress-led acne! If you have depression, or if you are anxious and stressed most of the times, you might be breaking out because of the stress related hormones in your body.
Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) is the main culprit behind stress exacerbated acne on the skin. Stressed or depressed individuals also tend to skip their skincare routines which further deprives skin off of the daily essential nourishment that it needs to keep the acne at bay! No matter how stressful life may get, try to pamper your skin once in a while – it will surely help you feel better!
Question: Does ice help pimples?
Answer: Yes! Ice can work as a quick DIY to banish the redness on your skin and reduce the size of acne bumps in a flick of a second! This is especially useful if you want to get rid of that annoying acne bump right before a meeting or a party!
Just wrap an ice cube in a handkerchief or a paper towel and press it down on your active acne for 5-6 minutes. You will see instant difference in their size and the redness!
Question: How do you get clear skin in a week?
Answer: By religiously following your skincare ritual and including healthy veggies as well as fruits in your diet, you can easily get clear skin in a week! It may sound impossible, but if you take proper care of your daily skincare routine and your diet, you will surely see an improvement in your skin within a week.
For your skincare routine, you have to make sure that you use a combination of cleanser, toner, and moisturizer that have some kind of natural antibacterial ingredients.
A face wash or cleanser with salicylic acid also works great for reducing acne! Also incorporate the home remedies to cure acne that we have shared above into your daily routine and see the changes in your skin fast!
Question: What foods cause acne?
Answer: If you are a huge fan of junk food (like me – the editor!), you are going to be upset after hearing that most of the times, your acne breakouts are a result of your unhealthy eating habits! Food items that have refined sugars, dairy products, white flour, etc, are known to contribute to acne breakouts on the skin.
You need to keep a check on your diet as after your hormonal levels, your diet is the next major factor that affects your skin! Avoid foods and beverages like pastas or breads made with white flour, high GI (glycemic index) foods, sodas (cokes), white rice, as well as chocolates and sweeteners!
Best Foods For Reducing Acne – alternatives for unhealthy foods that cause acne!
- Quinoa or Whole Wheat Pasta (or try my favourite Mung Bean & Edamame Pasta)
- Multi-grain Bread – to replace white bread
- Red or Brown Rice – to replace regular white rice
- 70% Dark Chocolate, 99% Dark Chocolate or Stevia Chocolate – for those with a sweet tooth!
- Jaggery Powder – to replace sugar
- Iced Tea – to replace sodas!
Question: What Are Some Home Remedies For Acne Scars?
There are a lot of skin treatment creams in the market that promise to get rid of your acne scars for good. However, most of them are loaded with strong chemicals that might end up further ruining your skin’s appearance!
Using any of these natural ingredients for acne scars – manuka honey, Shea butter, wild turmeric, and vitamin E oil, can bring you positive results.
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What are your favourite home remedies to cure acne that you want to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!