Having a proper skin care routine is really important for maintaining youthful skin. You can start your skincare routine at just any age, but the earlier you start is always better! All you need to do is find the right type of products that would suit your skin. The products you’re going to use don’t necessarily have to be from high end brands because we have many great options from affordable brands too! Here are some of the products that I have been using (or have used in the past!) in my skincare routine for winter. P.S. – all of them are under Rs.300! 🙂
My skincare routine for winter doesn’t consist of a lot of products. I don’t have a habit of applying more than one product on my face or body at one point of time. That’s why you’d be seeing only a handful of products in this post. I think all of them are more than enough for my skin because I’m too young to use other products like anti-aging serums, eye creams, acid peels or creams specifically made for hands and feet. I find the simple moisturizers, toners and body lotions enough for myself. Maybe I will start using some kind of eye cream soon since I have heavy dark circles! If you know a good eye cream for under eye circles then please do let me know.
We will start off with face washes and face scrubs. I have been using one and only, Patanjali’s face washes from a really long time now. They are affordable and the BEST for teenagers like me who have limited budget when it comes to buying beauty products. And since our skin is very delicate (not as delicate as 3 year olds, but still!), we should stay away from chemical based products as much as we can by using only 100% natural products. My all time favourite face wash from Patanjali is definitely the honey orange one (you can read its review by clicking in its name. The face wash was in my shower room and that’s why it’s not pictured here ?).
I like the Patanjali Saundarya Face Wash as too, though it smells a bit eww because of orange peel. I’d recommend you to check out Clean & Clear’s face washes as well because of their affordability and effectiveness!

For scrub, again, I’m using the Patanjali one. It is their Apricot Face Scrub which is very much similar to that of Everyuth. I might do a full review of it if anyone in interested!

Now coming to the moisturizers part, I’m using just two moisturizers at the moment. The one I use in day time is the Clear & Clear Oil Free Moisturizer. It is really, really, really inexpensive and suits me well because it has an oil free formula. It gets absorbed into the skin easily and hydrates it.

For night time, I use the Himalaya Night Cream. I have been using it from a month now and I’m seriously very happy with it! If you need its review then just comment down below. It isn’t a new launch by the way, but it’s a gem! I might repurchase it once my tub is over. Before applying the moisturizers, I like to apply Himalaya Refreshing And Clarifying Toner so that my skin retains all the hydration and moisturization that’s lost after cleansing. It is an alcohol free toner so it’s safe to be used by people with sensitive / acne prone skin.

Since the winter season is in full fledged attack mode now, I have purchased this huuugee bottle of Nivea Express Hydration Body Lotion. It comes with a pump on top so it is easier to use, but the bottle is quite bulky. You can get it in smaller bottles which are less bulky, I got this one because I wanted a body lotion which would last me throughout this winter season. ? I’m also using a body wash from Nivea which will be reviewed over here soon!
Lastly, I’d like to mention a face pack that I am trying to use up so that I can try some new ones. It’s the Natural Bath & Body French Red Clay Mask, I’m sorry it’s not under Rs.300/- but I still wanted to mention it. I want to finish it up ASAP because I have some other great face packs in my wishlist. 🙁 Sometimes I like to use DIYed Gram flour + Milk + Turmeric pack. Cheapest yet the most effective face pack recipe ever, isn’t it?!
Products mentioned in this post –

Patanjali Honey Orange Face Wash (reviewed here)
Clean & Clear Oil Free Moisturizer
Himalaya Herbals Refreshing And Clarifying Toner
Nivea Express Hydration Body Lotion
NBB French Red Clay Mask (reviewed here)
(My readers based out of India – you can get most of these things online! Yes, Patanjali and Himalaya Herbals’ products are available in countries other than India)
That’s about it. I hope you enjoyed knowing about my skin care routine. This post was requested by some of my instafam members. 🙂
What type of skincare products do you use on a daily basis?! Let me know by commenting below. Stay tuned for more exciting posts!
Patanjali is available out if India?. Didn’t know this thanks for enlighting.
Yes di it is! Don’t know about offline stores but it’s available online.
Nivea body lotion is really a hydrating one!??
It definitely is! Loving it. 🙂
Really nice regime. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked it! Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
Nice list. I love nivea body lotions all throughout the year. Their products nourish my skin without making it greasy or sticky.
It’s my first time using a nivea body lotion, loving it!
plz review the himalaya cream
Will do it surely!
eagsrly awaiting Himalaya Night Cream review Dipti
Will be doing it soon!
Nice skin care regime. Nivea Body Lotions are the best. Would like review on Himalaya night cream…
Will try to do it ASAP! 🙂
Wow some good affordable products. Thanks for this post. I want night cream review please. It was my first night cream, but at that time I didn’t like it that much. Now using pond’s night cream.
Will do it soon Ms.Chef! 🙂
Very affordable skin care routine Dipti.
🙂 ❤
Such a great and affordable products. amazing list.
Great list! 🙂
Sadly, the himalaya toner did nothing for me! 🙁
But hey I would like to know if you have reviewed that apricot scrub as I am thinking to try it out! 🙂
Hi Snehal. Thanks for stopping by <3 Yes, I did review the patanjali apricot scrub. Here is the link to it - https://gorgeouslyflawed.com/review-patanjali-apricot-face-scrub/
I hope you like it!