Health Benefits Of Drinking Water Stored In Copper Vessel
The antimicrobial properties that copper carries interests the scientists from all over the world. In the past few years, many researches have been conducted to know about the benefits that can be reaped by the use of copper vessels for storing drinking water. Since ancient times, it is believed that water kept in glasses/tumblers or just any vessels made up of copper has a lot of benefits!
You must have noticed that many people throw coins in sacred rivers like the Ganga, but have you ever wondered why they do so? Is this practice connected to spirituality or something else? Why and when did this practice of throwing coins in rivers begun? Maybe you are also one of those people who has thrown coins in the Ganga or some other sacred river, probably without knowing the significance behind it. It’s not your fault that you don’t know about it, actually there are so many things in our Indian culture which we blindly follow – without knowing the actual reason behind it.

As per my knowledge, this practice began centuries ago. The coins back then were used to be made up of copper, unlike today’s times when they’re usually made up of stainless steel. People during those days knew about the benefits that can be derived from copper metal when it comes in contact with water. That’s why, they used to throw copper-made coins in rivers/wells to make the water purer and drinkable. They also used to keep the water in copper utensils overnight and drink it in the morning or throughout the day!

Scientists say that water kept in copper utensils is very beneficial for those who suffer with kidney or liver related diseases. Healthy people can also drink it because it helps to boost the immunity and stamina of the body. Plus, it is the easiest step one can take for a better and healthy body, isn’t it? You just need to get a copper tumbler for yourself and then make a routine to keep water in it everyday before you sleep, that’s it. This simple change in your routine can show you major difference in your overall health.
Do try this routine and let me know if you see any noticeable changes in your health, I will be happy to know about your experience! You can get copper tumblers easily in any utensil shops in India, but if you want to buy it online then let me help you with the links.

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I had no idea! Very informative post Dipti, now I will store water in copper utensils?
Very useful and informative post. Never knew storing water in copper vessel has these benefits… Thanks for sharing…
Saw this at a recent Dastakari fair and got a tumbler and a glass.
have heard it from many adults in the family.. thanks for the post 🙂
Such a great informative post. Thanks for sharing it.
I am thinking to make a change of carrying water in plastic bottle. I know it might cause cancer in the long run, so I can try using copper water bottles will check your link.
I didn’t know about copper and water and that people threw copper coins to make water purer, like in the Ganga river – I thought it was only for spiritual reasons. It’s really very nice to know about it, thank you so much! Hope you have a beautiful day!
Very informative.. Copper has so many great benefits.. and all you need is to drink water from a copper jug.
I always try to up my water intake! 6
It’s such a simple thing to do but the benefits are unreal.
Stacey White
I have always heard my parents and grandparents talking about this. When I got married, i saw my grandparents-in-law also using cooper vessels to drink water and at the age of almost 90, they are very fit.
Ash |
You have shared awesome tips .The article is really informative and helpful. It’s definitely going to help many of the readers. Keep sharing such a posts.
Articles about drinking water stored in copper vessel keeps coming my way. It really makes me curious. I will try this if I get a copper vessel at home.
Never heard about drinking water in a copper vessel, it looks great! I will definitely try this. Thanks for sharing this Dipti