Handbags are a must for every woman. It doesn’t matter what age they are of or what they do, bags are an essential accessory. The bags are not just for fashion purpose, they have many practical purposes as well.
Thanks to the fashion technology, women around the world now have plenty of options when it comes to handbags. Having the right bag is essential for women. When women are at work, they need different type of bag than what they would carry when going for coffee.
Since there are so many options choosing a few is quite difficult. But with a few considerations you can easily choose the right one. Here is the list of must-have bangs for women:
Types Of Hand Bags Women Can Own
1. Sling Bag
Sling bags are one of the top choices for women. They are back on fashion and you can see celebrities flaunting their favorite sling bags. They are very useful and comfortable. Apart from making you look stylish, it is also very practical in many ways.
If you have small kids then a sling bag can help you keep your bag in place while you hold the baby and take care of the kids. Sling bangs are also very useful while traveling or running errands. They are also multipurpose as you can carry them on causal and formal occasions.
2. Shoulder Bag
Shoulder bags are perfect for work. They have more space and can accommodate your essential stuff – makeup, tissue, books, documents, scarves and more. They come in various sizes and styles and you can buy them from different brands.
A shoulder bag is also easier to carry. You can use them on multiple occasions from casual to formal. While traveling too they can come handy as you can keep lots of things in them. Every woman must have a pair if shoulder bags for various occasions.
3. Quilted Bags

The quilted bags are another great choice for women. They are stylish and efficient in more ways than one. Top brands like Prada and Gucci have quilted bags in various styles and designs that can easily elevate your style status.
You can choose quilted bags in various colors such as classic black, brown and beige. They are very useful and serve many purposes. You can your quilted bag to the office or formal occasions and make a style statement that last.
4. Satchel Bag

For women who need something stylish as well as functional should definitely own a satchel bag. They can work as everyday handbag as well as a laptop bag. They are made of high quality materials, and have a sturdy built. They can fit a lot of things from your makeup to gadgets, so it is a multi-purpose stylish bag that women must have. They are available in various designs and styles to match your individual needs.
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5. Hobo Bag

A hobo bag looks like a shoulder bag minus the size. They are relatively smaller and some in crumbled shape, which is a part of the attraction. The size and shape of the bag make it a top choice for both formal and causal occasion. It has plenty of space in it.
A brown, rustic color hobo bag looks both stylish and looks perfect for office. They are easier to carry and have plenty of space for your stuff like makeup, and other essential things.
6. Clutch

A clutch bag is must for every woman. It is for parties and formal occasions and simply looks elegant and sophisticated. When you are all dressed up in fine clothes you can hardly carry a bag that is too big.
A clutch bag is all you need to carry a few things like your phone or tissue and walk and talk freely in the event. Clutch bags are very classy and come in various designs. Famous brands offer plenty of design and style option in clutch bags. Some are so crazy about the clutch bag and own many.
7. Wristlets

Wristlets look like wallet as you can see. But, they have more space and are efficient in more than one ways. You can easily carry your phone, cards, and few makeup items in them. They are easier to carry as well. They are again available in various styles and designs to choose from.
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The Bottom-Line:
There are so many types of bags for women, but there are a few that are essential for every woman. These bags are not only stylish; they are functional and efficient as well.